Thursday, May 24, 2012

Self Improvement Tips for Lawyers | Forgetting Ourselves

Posted by Doug on May 23, 2012 in Self Improvement | 0 comments

Reportedly there are several skills that every local criminal attorney needs in order to be successful so it would stand to reason that honing those skills would be a method of self-improvement for a lawyer.


What Are These Necessary Skills?


According to legal experts: communication, the ability to analyze any given situation, and research are some of the major aspects of the job of an attorney. We can explore these individually to see just exactly what these experts are referring to. First let?s take a look at communication: if you are a lawyer working United States of America, English needs to be your number one language. Will it come in handy to know several of the languages that might be spoken in your community? Absolutely. Spanish is relatively popular; Hmong is becoming increasingly popular; German and Polish are probably runners up. Taking the analysis and research that you have worked on and putting it into terms others will understand and identify with is the major functionality of communication. You must make others not only identify with your client, but also empathetically (or sympathetically) put themselves in your client?s shoes.


The Importance Of Research And Analysis


Research serves as the basis for the other skills discussed here. Without the proper research adequate analysis cannot be executed. Without the proper analysis, good communication will not be achieved. Should your research skills be lacking you will not succeed as a good lawyer. As sort of a side note, software is important; inadequate software limits your research potential. Certain software is more utilitarian in a legal sense and reviews for such can be found online. Now it?s time to analyze; this is probably the most difficult part. You can look up everything you need to look up: the laws, the history, any cases that may apply to yours. You can talk your way into or out of almost anything in the world. But if you can?t analyze what you?ve researched and get the results of that analysis across to a judge or jury the other two skills are simply wasted.


Vocabulary is a big part of not only your communication skills but your research skills as well. Taking a course to increase your vocabulary should be considered an extremely effective self-improvement modus operandi (that?s legal speak for technique).

Tags: lawyers, Self Improvement, criminal attorney

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